Our history

For the creator of Hemlagom, what matters is above all well-being. And it starts in our home. It is our den, our nest, the place where we feel safe, and which reflects our personality. We invite friends and family into our privacy, and take pleasure in every corner that we have thought of in our image. A sort of museum to our own glory, combining function, comfort, utility, style and aesthetics.

After studying arts and training in interior design, it was obvious for the founder of Hemlagom to work in this field. And it was following a stay in Sweden in the heart of winter that, inspired by the history, the atmosphere, and the concept of life of this Nordic country, he decided to open this boutique .

But what does Hemlagom mean? It is the contraction of two Swedish words: Hemma, the house, and lagom, more a concept than a word, designating a minimalist art of living, a balance, “just what is needed”, and which advocates the good -being and serenity.

Thus, Hemlagom decides not to follow traditional trends. Do you have to own Pierre's trendy lamp? The carpet seen and seen again by Paul? Or the famous Jacques chairs? And collect trends No. At Hemlagom, what we prioritize is well-being, comfort, warm and welcoming atmospheres. To hell with superficiality, and hello authenticity. Here, you will find products with character where materials, textures, colors and soft lighting will delicately, and sometimes nostalgically, harmonize your interior.

And the little extra, we collaborate with small creators, artists, and thus offer you their unique products, handmade, in France.

So don’t hesitate any longer and join us. You too can choose pieces of character, and enhance the soul of your cozy little nest.